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The Last Voyage of the Empress - Event Television 1 X 60' There exists in the annals of world history a monumental event, etched in tragedy and shrouded in mystery that has been hidden by the whims of historical circumstance. On May 29, 1914, the CPR ocean liner Empress of Ireland sank off the coast of Quebec, killing 1012 people. Even though it still stands as one of the world’s greatest maritime disasters, it is not a widely known event because it was lost in the wake of the Titanic and blown away by the winds of WWI – and it was submerged in controversy, until now. The one-hour CBC documentary event The Last Voyage of the Empress is the riveting story of the controversial sinking of the Empress of Ireland combined with the hazardous dive expedition to solve the mystery of why the ship sank over 90 years ago.


Conceptual Films was commissioned to produce the event documentary The Last Voyage of The Empress. The event documentary would rewrite maritime history.

Did you know that more passengers died on the Empress of Ireland, than on the Titanic? For more information on Canada's greatest maritime disaster please visit:

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